
5 year+ sheep grazing mixture

Designed to provide optimum performance for progressive sheep enterprises. It includes varieties selected for stronger spring growth, palatability, high sward density and very persistent clover.

Ultra Lamb Herbal Available including Boston Plantain and Puna II/Endure Chicory to enhance mineral content.

Tested Mixture
Organic Available


Ultra-Lamb Herbal

Our Ultra-Lamb mixture, but with 0.5kg/acre of Herbal Boost to enhance summer production and mineral content of the pasture.

View Variation
Very early spring growth yet late heading for easy management
Can produce excellent mid-season silage cut if required
Strong summer and autumn growth for lamb finishing
Highly adaptable clovers tolerant of hard grazing regimes
Good overall disease resistance
Surplus production can make excellent quality hay or silage
Pack Size
14.0 kg
Seed Rate
14.0 kg/acre
34.6 kg/ha
Sheep grazing Ultra-Lamb