Ultra-Bite II

5 year+ high intake cattle grazing mixture

Ultra-Bite II is based on the very best performing late Perennial Ryegrasses. It includes the award winning AberGreen, officially classified as an intermediate heading variety, but only by one day.

The mixture produces a very dense, hard wearing sward providing season-long production of highly palatable grass and clover. With 35% tetraploid grasses, production and palatability are enhanced without sacrificing density and persistence.

Tested Mixture
Organic Available


Ultra-Bite II Herbal

Our Ultra-Bite II mixture with 0.5 kg/acre Herbal Boost to enhance summer production and mineral content of the pasture.

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Ultra-Bite II No Clover

Our Ultra-Bite II mixture, but without clover for better weed control.  

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Does not head until 4th June to help with grazing management
The varieties selected for high palatability and long season growth
Clovers selected to tolerate intensive grazing and high fertility
Crown Rust resistance enhanced by Caleo and Delika
Improved Drechslera resistance
Good winter hardiness
Surplus production can make excellent quality silage
Pack Size
14.0 kg
Seed Rate
14.0 kg/acre
34.6 kg/ha
Ultra-bite II Grass Mixture